YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT

There's nothing as good as knowing the health condition of whatever goes into your mouth straight to your stomach. Often times, what you buy (From manufactured ingredients to artificial or diluted items and cheap stuff) and eventually take in aren’t pretty much what you think it is. Almost all the foods we eat are either or adulterated.
Many of the food items we consume in Nigeria are either adulterated or preserved using chemicals or produced and stored under sub-standard conditions. Some of the popularly consumed adulterated food items are palm oil, cow pea (beans), honey, grinded pepper, and fruits.


Most of the palm oil sold in several Nigerian cities are adulterated and of low quality.  Some sellers of palm oil add colourants, liquids and other chemicals to increase the volume and make it more attractive and appealing to buyers. This means that many times when you think you must have bought a good quality by virtue of its bright red colour, the reverse is often the case. Other times, the poor quality palm oil is as a result of poor processing technique and handling in the mills. The big problem is how to identify adulterated palm oil when buying; adulterated palm oil turns whitish when heated up but you can’t test it till you get home.


Most beans sold in Nigerian market are chemically treated using toxic pesticide and herbicides which find their way to the market a little too early before the chemicals used in preserving them dissipate, due to the poor knowledge the farmer has on the use of chemicals used on the farm. Debris is sometimes added to cowpea to make it plenty, by doing this, customers don’t get the value for what they paid for.


Fruit consumed are meant to enrich the body but most fruit consumed by individuals are always ripened using calcium carbide (ethylene) which can cause some health hazards like cancer to the consumer. Fruit ripened with calcium carbide also affect the property of the fruit such as taste, colour and feel.


Some of the dry spices we use such as dry pepper, turmeric and all have often been found to contain some other substances. Some grinded dry pepper are made by grinding pepper seed and mixing it with colorants to give a reddish grinded pepper while turmeric is being mixed with corn to also increase its quantity.
To have a grinded dry pepper that is of good quality, always buy your pepper and grind it yourself. That way, you'll be sure you're taking the right stuff.


In an attempt to do away with sugar, some people opt for honey. Unfortunately, some of the products we buy are diluted with cheap sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup.
Make sure you purchase your honey from a trusted source


Some of the frozen chickens on sale in our markets are either injected with steroids to increase them in size within a short period of time or preserved with chemicals. Most of the frozen chicken can also be from a dead hen.

You have only been a victim of these killer products for this long because you have long been uninformed.
     Remember, your health is your wealth.
              Practice farm to table feeding.

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